Not long now....

In the meantime, a beautiful video featuring John, a good friend and Islay's breeder, hawking in Scotland.

Islay will be too young this year but it will be interesting to see how Yogi performs on the hill. I'll probably run him on a line initially, to encourage him to be steady to the flush, and he certainly won't be doing a full day's work.

None of the ground we visit has many grouse, so it's not uncommon for the dogs to be running for 45 minutes or longer, between points. When they do 'lock on' to birds they may have to then hold them for some time, as the hawking party makes its way to the point, and the peregrine falcon is cast off.

You can imagine that after a day on the hill everyone is in need of a bit of rest and recuperation. For our dogs this starts on a memory foam, wool topped, Red Dog Company Mat, in the back of the vehicle - lucky things

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