Yogi (The Wirehaired Vizsla) at 28 weeks

Yogi (The Wirehaired Vizsla) at 28 weeks

Still 23 1/2 inches, and still 20kg - growth has now either ceased or stalled. He’s hunting with increasing enthusiasm and we’ve had some more decent points. I’m spending time quartering him into the wind, encouraging him to run flat and wide, and not to bore into the wind. We are working on building up the distance on blind retrieves. He’s still easily distracted, and will veer off to chase a bee or investigate an interesting smell, when he’s meant to be on a retrieve.

#WirehairedVizsla #WireHairedVizslapuppy #Vizsla #vizslapuppy #TheRedDogCompany #madeinBritain #Zoldmali #Gonegos #heather #HPR #HuntPointRetrieve #Huntingdog #workingdog #gundogtraining #Dogtraining