Why use a Slip Lead?
A Slip Lead is simply a running noose with a handle. It is the lead of choice for many working dogs and also makes a great choice for many other applications.

Reasons to use a slip lead
However, there are many other good reasons to choose a slip lead. Unlike a collar, which can be pulled over the dog’s head if not fitted correctly, the slip lead adjusts to any size when under load. It’s easy to put on and take off, even if the dog is moving around. There are also less potential points of failure, as it doesn’t rely on the integrity of the collar, D ring and clip.
Will a slip lead stop my dog from pulling?
What it won’t do is stop your dog pulling, at best it may help slightly, being uncomfortable for the dog when it’s straining against you. At the other end of the spectrum is the harness, which I would only ever use if I was actively encouraging a dog to pull, for canicross or sledding for example.
Using a Slip Lead Correctly
If you are right handed and carrying a gun, your dog walks on your left, and vice versa; everyone else can do what they fancy, the main thing is to decide, and then be consistent.
Slip the lead over the dogs head so that the loop is self opening when slack, and then adjust the stopper, so the loop can’t open up enough, to get over the dog’s head.
It’s easy to put the lead on the wrong way round, in which case it won’t really work properly. If the dog is on your left, form the number ‘9’ with the loop at the top, and place over the dog’s head. If the dog in on your right form the letter ‘P’.
This is a case of a picture being worth a thousand words...
Once you’ve done it a couple of times it will become second nature.
Why our Slip Lead?
The Red Dog Company Slip Lead is handmade, by a Master Rigger, in his workshop on the shores of the Solent. It's made from a Technora or Kevlar blend rope, that has had its core carefully removed, to improve pocketability. It is properly spliced for incredible strength, it's reassuring to know that it has been tested to a 500kg breaking strain.
Which length of Slip Lead?
What is a Jaeger Lead?

The Jaeger Lead can also be used as a ‘brace’ lead, for two dogs, or as a longer line or tie out.
What about Clip Leads?
All of our Leads are also available with traditionally cast brass trigger hooks, for those who prefer a clip lead.

As always don’t take my word for it - check out our Lead reviews….